Al-Mukalla / Sanaye Al-Maarouf Media
Wednesday . 11 .11.2020

Despite the rugged road, and the difficulty of reaching the villages of Al-Messila district in Al-Mahra governorate, Sanaye Al-Maarouf Foundation
Humanitarian foundation- Hadramout, with a support from Dutch Relief Organization in Amsterdam, provided (18) tons of foodstuffs to the two areas residents
(Bazoun) and (Al-Qalana), in the district of Sehout, which are the poorest areas  in the district, on Wednesday morning, 11. 11. 2020.

These two areas  are difficult to reach, except through four-wheel drive cars, which makes many local and international organizations
in a reluctant to provide any humanitarian aid, despite the extreme poverty that the residents Wadi Al-Masila villages face,  who depend on
Simple jobs that do not provide them with their most basic daily needs, in light of the deteriorating economic conditions that Yemen is witnessing due to persistence
of The war in it since 2015, which contributed to the collapse of the Yemeni economy, causing a stifling economic crisis.

The foodstuffs consisted of rice, flour, oil, sugar and powdered milk , it contribute to make the poor people happy who live below the poverty line, which left traces in their brownish features.